Supervising Others

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
1 Days
Online Live | Onsite


In this course, students will develop the skills required to be more efficient and proficient supervisors.


  • Upon successful completion of this course, students will be equipped to supervise others more effectively and efficiently, contributing to job satisfaction and productivity.


  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Defining the Requirements
  • Identifying Opportunities for Improvement and Growth
  • Setting Verbal Expectations
  • Putting Expectations in Writing
  • Understanding Cascading Goals
  • The SMART Way
  • Helping Others Set Goals
  • General Principles
  • The Dictatorial Approach
  • The Apple-Picking Approach
  • The Collaborative Approach
  • Level One: Complete Supervision
  • Level Two: Partial Supervision
  • Level Three: Complete Independence
  • Deciding to Delegate
  • To Whom Should You Delegate?
  • Providing Instructions
  • Monitoring the Results
  • Troubleshooting Delegation
  • Characteristics of Good Feedback
  • Feedback Delivery Tools
  • Informal Feedback
  • Formal Feedback
  • The 80/20 Rule
  • Prioritizing with the Urgent-Important Matrix
  • Using a Productivity Journal
  • Using Routines and Rituals to Simplify Your Workday
  • Using a conflict Resolution Process
  • Maintaining Fairness
  • Seeking help from Within the Team
  • Seeking Help for Outside the Team
  • What to Do If You’ve Been Promoted from within the Team
  • What to Do If You’re Leading a Brand New Team
  • What to Do if You’re Taking on an Established Team
  • Ask the Right Questions of the Right People
  • Go to Gemba
  • Keep Learning
  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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