Managing and Communicating Requirements for Projects

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
2 Days
Online Live | Onsite


A planned requirements approach is essential to a successful project. Your role as the Business Analyst in any project is to help form and coach a cross-functional team, facilitate continuous collaboration with your client, manage and communicate changing requirements, and deliver business value to your client early and regularly throughout the project.


Upon completion of the course, participants shall be able to:
-Plan, manage and communicate requirements for projects
-Perform the various elicitation techniques used in gathering and documenting requirements.
-Produce relevant artifacts needed for documenting requirements.
-Minimize uncertainty and risk by applying principles learned in the course
-Ensure your project delivers required functionality and adds value to the business
-Translate business requirements into appropriate technical specifications.
-Optimize your team’s responsiveness to change


Executives, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Business and IT stakeholders working with analysts, Systems Analysts and programmers interested in expanding their role into the business area.


There are no prerequisites for this course. This course suitable for both novices and experienced people who need to manage and communicate requirements for projects. It is recommended that participants complete the Business Analysis Essentials course prior to enrolling or have equivalent experience.


  • Requirements and types of requirements
  • Requirements in the product life cycle
  • Project roles and requirements
  • The role of the Business Analyst (BA)
  • Requirements management plan
  • Solution scope
  • Conflict and issue management
  • General techniques used
  • Specific needs of business stakeholders and management
  • Specific needs of Subject Matter Experts (SME)
  • Specific needs of the technical team (developers, testers, etc.)
  • Attributes of effective requirements
  • Audiences of the requirements and the audiences’ needs
  • Business vs. technical point of view
  • Need for formality and level of detail required
  • Recording the dependencies and relationships for each of the requirements
  • Impact analysis
  • Using a configuration management system
  • Testing requirements
  • General techniques used
  • Work product and deliverables
  • Attributes of a complete requirements package
  • General techniques used
  • Maintaining organizational process assets
  • Ongoing requirements
  • Satisfied requirements
  • The 7 Cs
  • Bulleted and numbered lists
  • Tables and graphs
  • Models and other graphics
  • Using white space and fonts
  • Chunking requirements information and the use of headings
  • Useful books and links on managing and communicating requirements


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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