Language Cert International ESOL SELT
LanguageCert offers UK Home Office approved SELT (Secure English Language Test) exams for UK Visa and Immigration purposes. Our exams cover all visa type requirements for those looking to live, work or study in the UK. LanguageCert SELT exams are delivered worldwide, through an extensive network of SELT Test Centres.
Key features:
– Fast: Easy exam booking up to 24 hours before the exam
– Reliable: Fair testing of real-life language skills, at the specific level required and accurate results
– Friendly: Exams that combines technology with human presence

LanguageCert Test of English (LTE)
LanguageCert Test of English (LTE) assesses the candidates’ English language level in Reading, Listening, and Writing. LTE qualifications can be used to prove general English language knowledge as well as for more specific purposes in the workplace and in education.
Key Features:
- An exam focusing on day-to-day workplace communicative skills, requiring little exam-specific preparation
- Established English language proficiency reliably and quickly
- Fast results and e-certificate in 2 business days
LanguageCert Test of English (LTE) consists of 3 modules assessing Listening, Reading & Writing skills.

LanguageCert International ESOL
LanguageCert International ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a unique suite of English language qualifications specially designed for those intending to study, work or travel around the globe. The qualifications have been painstakingly and meticulously developed and abide by the most rigorous quality and reliability standards, as mapped in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
Key Features:
- Candidate-friendly exams, focused on communication skills, requiring little exam-specific preparation
- Frequent exams with fast results and certificates issuing
- Internation recognition (including Ofqual)
Written and Spoken Exams can be taken independently of each other at the candidates’ convenience. They are separate tests, so students can choose to focus their preparation on one exam before taking the other. Successful candidates are awarded High Pass or Pass certificates.

LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL
LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a suite of English Language qualifications created specifically for young candidates (7+ years old).
Key Features:
- Child-friendly exams
- Age-appropriate topics
- Fun tasks and colorful illustrations

Email us at contact@monelevate.com or Call 02 5631312 for more details.