Global Procurement and Supply Chain Management for the Oil & Gas Industry

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
5 Days
Online Live | Onsite


Procurement and supply chain management are being relied upon more and more to make a difference to organizations where they are operating in very uncertain times. Procurement particularly is under constant pressure to make dynamic and meaningful contributions to the bottom-line operating costs and, at the same time, reducing capital expenditure. Maintaining best practice in procurement and supply chain management is a core requirement for those operating in the global Oil and Gas industry. Supplier / operator relationships are now so very crucial due to the volatility in oil prices is causing real monetary concern across the industry. It is now vital that the procurement and supply chain functions collaborate their efforts and expertise to cope with the complexity of the present operating environment.


It is essential for Procurement and Supply Chain professionals to adapt supply chain practices to fit the current market and they must understand the need for:

• Reassessment of current E & P procurement strategies
• Adopt contemporary practices
• Building robust internal supply planning capabilities
• Collaborative relationship with vendors
• Tools and techniques to effectively renegotiate contracts


This Online Training program is suitable for:

• Procurement Professionals
• Supply Chain Professionals
• Tender or Bidding Managers
• Contract Administrators
• Contracting Unit Supervisors
• Project Engineers and Project Managers


• What is World Class Procurement and Supply Management?
• Oil and Gas Value Chain Management
• Category Management Strategies
• E & P Total Cost of Ownership and Asset Management
• Global Procurement Contract Risks

• The Importance of a Dynamic and Collaborative Supply Chain
• Supply Chain Modes in the Oil and Gas Industry
• Demand vs. Supply Management
• Understanding Transport, Logistics and Warehousing
• Supply Chain Integration

• The Importance of Strategic Supplier Relationships
• Supplier Collaboration Best Practices
• Creating and Maintaining Dynamic and Meaningful SLAs
• Supplier Relationships – The Total Management Process
• How to get Best and Sustained Value from Suppliers and Contractors

• Understanding Key Components of a Commercial Contract
• Preparing For a Win-Win Negotiation
• Dealing with Difficult Suppliers
• The Importance of Collaborative, Competitive and Dynamic Negotiations
• Know When and How to Renegotiate a Contract

• Supplier Strategy and Rationalization
• Lean Tools and Techniques
• Understanding The Lean Approach in the various Supply Chain Links
• Designing Lean Metrics for Optimal Performance
• Measuring and Improving the Supply Chain Performance


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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