Fundamentals of Exploration & Production

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
5 Days
Online Live | Onsite


The impact of fossil fuels on our modern world and our ever increasing dependence on it has resulted in an endless quest for its exploration and production. The easy to find oil is now a phenomenon of the past and is therefore necessary to traverse the planet both off shore and to greater depths, to secure supplies. This highly interesting training course examines the multi-disciplinary nature of petroleum exploration, technology and production operations in the upstream oil and gas business.


  • • Recognize and understand basic geology and its relation to the formation and exploration of petroleum
  • • Appreciate and understand the key drivers involved in the exploration process
  • • Identify the stakeholders in the energy supply chain
  • • Explore the global oil and gas industry to date and understand different type of oil companies
  • • Understand the various fiscal and production sharing agreements involved and the challenges and opportunities they present


• New Engineers
• Non-Technical Professionals
• Technical support Professionals
• Non-Technical Investors and Businessmen
• Accounting and Purchasing professionals
• Economics, Legal, Finance and Human Resources professionals
• Management and Administrative Professionals interested in obtaining a general understanding of the upstream petroleum industry


• History of oil and gas
• The role of oil and gas in society
• International Oil & Gas Supply
• Global Reserves, Production & Trade
• The nature and formation of fossil fuels and oil reserves
• Fundamentals of the Chemistry of Petroleum

• Basic petroleum geology- Where we find fossil fuels
• Geological time
• Rock types & Sedimentary basins
• Exploration activities
• Geophysical Methods; Gravity and magnetic surveying
• 2D, 3D and 4D seismic

• Reservoir Description & Type of wells
• Drilling Operations and Engineering
• Reservoir Fluids and Produced Water
• Oil Water Separation
• Field Appraisal & Volumetric Estimation
• Well Stimulation and Completion

• Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
• Recovery and production Estimation
• Secondary and Enhanced Oil Recovery
• Unconventional Petroleum Deposits
• Tight Oil, Shale Oil and Shale Gas Tar Sands
• Hydraulic fracturing

• Ownership of hydrocarbons – Concessions, contracts and joint ventures.
• World energy supply and demand – Oil and Gas pricing
• International and National Oil Companies, OPEC, IEA and the Future
• Peak oil
• Carbon Capture
• Safety and the Environment


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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