Communication Strategies

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
1 Days
Online Live | Onsite


In this course students will understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them.


  • For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look you give the cat, it all means something. This workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them.


  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives
  • What is Communication?
  • How Do We Communicate?
  • Other Factors in Communication
  • An Overview of Common Barriers
  • Language Barriers
  • Cultural Barriers
  • Differences in Time and Place
  • The Power of Pitch
  • The Truth about Tone
  • The Strength of Speed
  • Understanding the Mehrabian Study
  • All About Body Language
  • Interpreting Gestures
  • S = Situation
  • T = Task
  • A = Action
  • R = Result
  • Summary
  • Seven Ways to Listen Better Today
  • Understanding Active Listening
  • Sending Good Signals to Others
  • Open Questions
  • Closed Questions
  • Probing Questions
  • The Purpose of AI
  • The Four Stages
  • Examples and Case Studies
  • Level One: Discussing General Topics
  • Level Two: Sharing Ideas and Perspectives
  • Level Three: Sharing Personal Experiences
  • Our Top Networking Tips
  • Understanding Precipitating Factors
  • Establishing Common Ground
  • Using “I” Messages
  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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