Agile for Business Analysts

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
2 Days
Online Live | Onsite


In this course, you will gain an understanding about agile business analysis. You will learn how business analysis on an agile project is ‘the same’ and ‘different’ than business analysis performed on waterfall projects. You will understand how the business analysis role changes on an agile team. A number of business analysis techniques suited for supporting agile teams will be introduced as will the various standards available to the community to help teams and organizations transition. Since few organizations are pure agile, you will also learn about delivery approaches that use a combination of practices from waterfall and agile and will also be introduced to the important concept of business analysis tailoring – the key skill used to adapt business analysis skills to all environments – regardless of the delivery life cycle selected.


• Understand the fundamentals of agile delivery and agile business analysis
• Compare and contrast business analysis on waterfall and agile projects
• Explain the value proposition for agile product development
• Define the 4 main types of project life cycles
• Complete an in-depth walkthrough of the agile delivery life cycle
• Explain the major flavors of agile
• Understand the major standards available to assist in transition of skills
• Define business analysis tailoring and understand how to apply it
• Learn over 20 business analysis techniques commonly used on agile projects


Anyone with the need to understand how business analysis is performed to support agile projects or who must transition their existing business analysis skills and practices from waterfall to agile.


  • What is agile
  • The Agile Manifesto
  • Agile principles
  • Agile benefits
  • Hands-on activity
  • The current state of agile
  • Agile trends
  • Agile skills
  • Value proposition
  • The business case for agile
  • The BA role changes on an agile project
  • Hands-on activity
  • Project life cycle
  • Product life cycle
  • Incremental versus Iterative
  • Hybrid approaches to delivery
  • Choosing a project life cycle
  • The agile development life cycle
  • A sequence of iterations
  • Essential concepts
  • Inside each iteration
  • Iteration goal
  • Iteration planning
  • Sequence of tasks
  • Work period
  • Testing
  • End of iteration activities
  • Evaluation and feedback
  • Structured walkthroughs
  • Evaluation guidelines
  • The BA role in structured walkthroughs
  • Scripting scenarios
  • Defect list
  • Retrospectives
  • Hands-on exercise
  • The flavors of agile
  • Scrum
  • Scrum roles
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
  • Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • Testing
  • Best practices used by FDD
  • Kanban
  • Kanban Boards
  • Agile Unified Process
  • Scaling Frameworks
  • What is business analysis?
  • What is agile business analysis?
  • Framework for agile business analysis
  • Business analysis components
  • International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®)
  • Project Management Institute (PMI®)
  • Context to business analysis
  • Our industry BA standards
  • Our industry Agile BA standards
  • Product Owners
  • What stays the same
  • What is expected to change
  • Agile requirements deliverables
  • Lightweight documentation
  • Requirements repository
  • Where business analysis fits in
  • The BA workload
  • Business analysis tailoring (defined)
  • Tailoring considerations
  • What tailoring looks like
  • The PMI Guide to Business Analysis
  • Determining the ‘best’ BA approach
  • Methodology vs Standard
  • Why use methodologies
  • Determining your methodology
  • Business analysis impacts
  • Agile BA techniques
  • Backlog refinements
  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  • Burndown chart
  • Collaborative games
  • Definition of done
  • Definition of ready
  • Iteration planning
  • Kanban board
  • Minimum marketable features (MMF)
  • Minimum viable product (MVP)
  • MoSCoW
  • Narrative writing
  • Persona analysis
  • Product roadmap
  • Progressive Elaboration
  • Prototyping
  • Purpose alignment model
  • Retrospectives
  • Story slicing
  • Hands-on Exercise
  • Requirements prioritization
  • Prioritizing on agile projects
  • Prioritization criteria
  • Business benefit
  • MoSCoW
  • Pair-choice comparison
  • Setting priorities with multi-voting
  • Cost to acquire and operate
  • Determining business value
  • Story point estimating
  • Planning poker
  • Project velocity
  • Hands-on activity
  • Making the transition to agile
  • How my role will be different
  • Course summary
  • Retrospective
  • Questions


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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