Advanced Logistics & Material Management

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
5 Days
Online Live | Onsite


This Advanced Logistics and Materials Management training course fully covers the role and impact of Logistics and Supply Chain Management affecting an organization through the understanding of Supplier Management in Purchasing, Transportation Models, and Inventory Models from a cost efficient and optimization perspective.


By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

• Appreciate the implication of the impacts of logistics & materials management and purchasing functions both internally and external to the organization
• Apply the concepts of international logistics/freight procedures & documentation
• Appreciate the importance of effective resources planning
• Develop optimized work processes and financial areas such as cash flow, cost reduction and management
• Learn how to effectively manage inventory utilizing selective inventory strategic policies
• Develop specific action plans to further develop their role and organizational benefit


This training course is intended for a number of professionals who have an experience of supply chain and logistics management functions, and who are looking for new and innovative techniques for achieving a competitive edge for their team and organization will benefit from this training course. It is also beneficial to:

• Senior Professionals in Logistics Functions
• Purchasing, Warehouse and Inventory Personnel
• Financial and Materials Management teams


• Evaluate logistics role in the current business process
• The evolution of Supply Chain management and Supply Chain dynamics
• The application of a Supply Chain approach
• How to use and apply the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR)
• Identifying Supply Chain Instabilities and Risks

• Developing Spend Analysis for establishing purchase prices index
• Examine the Total Cost of Ownership
• Analyze Supplier portfolio and classification utilizing and applying Kraljic’s Matric and Porter’s 5 Forces
• Formulate, plan and organize Strategic purchasing plans
• Illustrate the effective order-cycle and lead-time effect on Purchasing
• Plan and organize for negotiations

• Formulate, plan and organize formal procedures for making stock decisions
• Explain, discuss and review safety stock levels and order points
• Apply and improve min/max systems and settings
• Using material forecasts
• Cataloguing materials for effective buying process
• Developing Bills of Material for effective parts management

• Setting comprehensive inventory goals and objective
• Effecting a rationalization strategy
• Calculating and evaluating carrying costs and economic order quantity theory
• Establishing a Strategic Focus with Pareto Analysis on Cost
• Improving material identification and coding
• Creating best practices in the physical control of materials
• Measuring record accuracy and improving cycle counting systems.

• Apply the Role of Transportation in Logistics to the organization
• Identify and recognize Transportation Management Strategic Key Decisions
• Explain, discuss and review the types of mode and intermodal systems
• Show and illustrate the International Commercial Terms in transportation and the liabilities
• Identify and review Hazardous materials transportation.


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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