Fuel Quality Monitoring System Fundamentals

Jan | Feb | Mar 2022
5 Days
Online Live | Onsite


As refiners and chemical producers worldwide see higher crude oil and feed prices and continued demand for clean transportation fuels and lower production costs, a sound knowledge of fuel product specifications, their analysis, and quality monitoring is essential to understand its effect on engine performances. In addition, the efficient use of laboratory staff and equipment to ensure the optimum processing of crude oil to meet customer fuel product specifications is of prime importance.

This training course has been developed to provide an in-depth, yet a practical review of the art and science of “Fuel Quality Monitoring System Fundamentals” in modern refineries. The program’s content is both comprehensive and wide-ranging. A Case Study approach covers some selected crude oil assays, product specifications, sampling methodology, analytical methods and quality monitoring found in refinery facilities will be presented.


  • At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
  • • Describe fuels chemistry, manufacturing, blending, distribution, and handling.
  • • Compare testing parameters for gasoline, jet fuel, and road diesel.
  • • Apply combustion parameters to fuels.
  • • Explain how fuel properties influence engine performance.
  • • Manage jet fuel quality by applying principles of handling and microbial degradation.
  • • Explain diesel properties and their impact on fuel performance.
  • • Troubleshoot quality problems and contamination of fuels.
  • • Discuss fuel quality monitoring system.
  • • Address specific problems in distribution and fuel testing and propose solutions


This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

• Operation Engineers
• Production Engineers
• Process Engineers
• Senior Operation Personnel
• Operation Staff
• Technical Supervisory Staff
• Plant Engineers
• Fuel quality specialists
• Measurement and quality control operators


• Crude oil chemistry and properties
• Classification of crude oils
• Crude assays and valuation
• Petroleum product specifications
• Petroleum products standardization and quality control
• Introduction to oil refineries
• Refinery configurations
• Case study: Impact of refinery configurations on fuel specifications
/PMI and the goals of a professional association

  • IIBA’s BABOK® Guide and PMI’s Practice Guide in Business Analysis
  • Exercise: Requirements challenges

• Gasoline chemistry
• Manufacturing technologies
• Gasoline specifications and quality monitoring system
• Testing parameters for gasoline
• Composition, Combustion Characteristics, Octane Number, Corrosiveness, Density, Flash Point and Fire Point, Oxygenates, Stability, and Instability, Volatility
• Effect of fuel properties on engine performance
• Troubleshoot quality problems and contamination of gasoline
• Case-Study: Naphtha Hydrotreater, Catalytic Reformer, and Isomerization Units

• Jet fuel chemistry
• Manufacturing technologies
• Jet fuel specifications and quality monitoring system
• Testing parameters for Jet fuel
• Acidity, Calorific Value, Density, Flash Point, Freezing Point, Storage Stability, Thermal Stability, Viscosity, Volatility, Water
• Effect of fuel properties on engine performance
• Troubleshoot quality problems and contamination of jet fuel
• Case-Study: Hydrocracking Unit

• Diesel fuel chemistry
• Manufacturing technologies (Hydroprocessing)
• Diesel fuel specifications and quality monitoring system
• Testing parameters for Diesel fuel
• Acidity, Sulfur content, Appearance and Odor, Ash, Calorific Value, Carbon Residue, Cetane Number and Cetane Index, Cloud Point, Composition, Diesel Index, Flash Point, Freezing Point, Neutralization Number, Pour Point, Stability, Viscosity, Volatility, Water and Sediment
• Effect of diesel fuel properties on engine performance
• Troubleshoot quality problems and contamination of diesel fuel
• Case Study: Production of ultra-low sulfur diesel

• Quality control of products in petroleum refining
• Gasoline Octane Blending
• Viscosity Blending
• Pour Point Blending
• Flash Point Blending
• Reid Vapor Pressure Blending for Gasoline and Naphthas
• Aniline Point Blending
• Sampling procedures
• Case-Study: Gasoline Blending
• Case-Study: Diesel and Jet Fuel Blending


Mark Steele

Mark is certified trainer with 20+ years of experience in gulf and London. He has trained batches, corporates, individuals and companies from all over the world.

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